Size - duplicate count

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Size - duplicate count

Post by meteorquake »

Someone I'm sure will say this is already there :)
If you search in a folder, you'll see subfolders and their files listed.
If you select all the files you'll get the folder size (in the status bar), but if you now select the subfolders as well it will increase even though those subfolders are already accounted for in the files selected (or the files accounted in the (sub)folders now selected). In fact the result will be many times the actual size because you'll have selected subfolders of subfolders, which are accounted many times in all their parents you have selected.
As far as I see it, selected files or folders that fall within any selected folder should not have their sizes counted.
There is a particularly useful situation that is most easily covered which is when you are doing a simple search in a path for all files and do Ctrl-A since the size will then be the searched folder (or the sum of all the files). At the moment the size gets multiplied many times. I see doing Alt-Enter to get the Explorer object summary suffers the same issue.
Knowing the actual size is very useful at times, such as if you are planning to zip or sftp them.
There may well be case use for such tasks in a function under the Edit Menu whose meaning is "Deselect any selected items that are included in selected folders" to remove the duplicated files/subfolders, and this would in so doing simultaneously provide the correct size in the status bar and provide a selection suitable for dragging into/processing by other software etc.

Version (x64)

Cheers, David
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Re: Size - duplicate count

Post by void »

This is currently by design.

Removing duplicate files from the total selection size is not feasible.
An option to do this would kill selection performance.

A couple options:

Don't show folder sizes in the total selection size:
  • Copy and paste the following into your Everything search box:
  • Press ENTER in your Everything search box.
  • If successful, include_selected_folder_size_in_statusbar=0 is shown in the status bar for a few seconds.


Include the following in your search:
This will limit your results to files only.

Performing an action on selected files and folders, where a file belongs to a currently selected folder would likely cause undesired results anyway.
Posts: 397
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:44 pm

Re: Size - duplicate count

Post by meteorquake »

I agree performance could be impacted as a "live" feature. I'm surprised if having a menu which when clicked as a one-off act (deselecting items as described) would be a performance problem as I'd have anticipated for the user it would seem instantaneous to calculate, and always much easier than the user doing it by hand. I can think of a number of algorithms to do it very efficiently.
In terms of the situation mentioned, removing folder sizes doesn't solve it since some of the sizes will be desired, and the issue of dragging/sending the list into another application still exists which is only resolved by deselection.
To give a scenario, suppose I search in a history folder for Edinburgh to send someone historical documents about Edinburgh - I might have some folders named Edinburgh, and files within them also mentioning Edinburgh, as well as files matched elsewhere not in paths mentioning Edinburgh.The files containing Edinburgh themselves in folders matched as Edinburgh I'd want deselected and then do my act on the reduced selection. Otherwise without this if you try eg to 7zip them 7zip will abort due to duplicates, if you drag them onto FileZilla to upload you will have many unnecessary duplicates uploading, to name two examples (just tested them to confirm)...
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