How to change the indexing settings at ET start?

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How to change the indexing settings at ET start?

Post by Zeitgeist »

Hello void,

what is the best way to start Everything and tell it to index a specific folder/drive?

Maybe it it possible to have two Everything.ini s and call the wanted one by a commad line argument? Or something similar?
At the moment I have two Everything programm folders. One set up to index location X and the other programm folder set up tp index location Z.
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Re: How to change the indexing settings at ET start?

Post by void »

Please have a look at Index This from NotNull.

To set Everything to not index any NTFS volumes, call the following: The first call will generate an Everything.ini (if one doesn't exist) and disable automatically including NTFS volumes in your index.
The second call will launch Everything. (the first call will exit immediately)

I have on my TODO list to add command line support for specifying which volumes to index.

Currently this information is stored in your Everything.ini:
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Re: How to change the indexing settings at ET start?

Post by Zeitgeist »

Thank you for the reply.

I ended up, using the handy "-config" command to search a specific location.

1. Create a copy of the current Everything.ini
2. Inside the ini, edit the key "folders=" to fit the location that should be indexed and save it with its own name
3. Create a link to the everything.exe and edit it to run Everything.exe -config <name of your own ini-file>

I just have to create one link to every location I want to be indexed and start the desired one. Works nice for me. ;)

PS. Works for specific folders. If you want to scan specific drives use ntfs_volume_paths="C:","E:","F:"
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