Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT server

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Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT server

Post by DaveTheBatMan »

Hi --

I have a desktop running Windows 7 Ultimate with Everything v1.2.1.371. It's set to run as an EFT server on server port 1021 and Firewall port 1020. I have a Windows 7 Home Premium computer running Everything v1.2.1.371, and it can connect to the EFT server fine. However, the Win 8 computer will NOT connect to it.

The only security software on the Win8 computer is Windows Defender, and it won't connect even if I 1) try running both the server and client Everything "As Administrator," or 2) run the Win8 computer in Safe Mode with Networking.

The Win8 computer CAN and DOES access all (drive) shares on the Win7 desktop, as well as the wireless printer. But, when trying to connect to the Server EFT, it just won't.

NOTE: I've also tried changing the ports back to the default of 21 and 20, but get the same problem.
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by void »

Try opening the ETP/FTP server in your web browser to determine if the problem is with Everything or the Windows 7 firewall.

Where host is the name of the Windows computer running the Everything ETP server.
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by DaveTheBatMan »

Thank you for that suggestion.

After following your suggestion, I WAS able to successfully connect using ftp://() in my Chrome browser.

So, I'm not sure what my next move is. ?
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by void »

What are you typing into the connect dialog when connecting to an ETP server in Everything?

Please make sure you specify the host only (and not the protocol).
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by DaveTheBatMan »

My Win7 Everything server is named TachyonSpeedPC.
My Win8 Everything client is named TachyonLaptop.

From my Win8 laptop, I bring up Everything, then do Tools -> Connect to ETP Server. For the Host, Port, and User, their initial values are {blank, 21, TachyonLaptop}. I change the values so that they are {TachyonSpeedPC, 1021, TachyonLaptop}. (Note that I simply leave User unchanged.) I hit OK.

Everything indicates "Connecting to TachyonSpeedPC..." then comes back with "Connect to ETP Server. Failed to connect to TachyonSpeedPC. Connection refused."

The only security software installed is Windows Defender.

One thing I should mention is that if I use these same connection parameters from a Win7 Everything client, it connects fine.
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by void »

I am trying to find the problem, but it is working fine for me on Windows 8 connecting to Windows 7.
With Everything version 371 and 645b.

It might be a ipv6 issue? Please try connecting with TachyonSpeedPC's ipv4 address.

For example:
host =
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by DaveTheBatMan »

Amazing, that worked!

I also noticed that when I do PING TachyonSpeedPC from a command prompt, it doesn't return the machine's IP address, just its MAC address. Any idea why my Win8 machine is working this way? It might have something to do with the fact that the Win8 Everything client laptop is on WiFi, while the Win7 Everything server is using ethernet. But, my Win7 Everything client is on WiFi, too, and doesn't have this problem.
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by void »

it doesn't return the machine's IP address, just its MAC address
This would be the ipv6 address.
Any idea why my Win8 machine is working this way?
This is the normal behavior, ipv6 is the preferred ip version.
Everything 371 does not support ipv6 addresses.
There might be a bug in 371, when resolving the computer name it should resolve to an ipv4 address...

You might like to try the latest beta 645b which supports ipv6 or remove ipv6 protocol from your network stack (not recommended).
or just connect using ipv4 addresses manually.
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Re: Windows 8 EFT client cannot connect to Windows 7 EFT ser

Post by DaveTheBatMan »

Hi all --

I tried the latest beta from my Win 8 client machine (without changing the v371 running on the server machine). It appeared to CONNECT fine, but wouldn't return any results. I figured that if I upgraded both, then I would be fine, but decided to go another route.

I removed the beta and reinstalled v371 on the Win8 client, then added the name-IP pair of the server to my hosts file. Now, I can connect successfully using the machine name.

Although it's a bit of a kludge, and I'm curious as to why this is necessary (for my system), this is good enough for me, and I'm happy.

(I might try the beta on both machines, just to see what happens, but that's for another day.)

Thanks for all of your help --

David C. Battistoli
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