Match Whole Name (GUI)

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Match Whole Name (GUI)

Post by meteorquake »

There's a common search scenario where you are looking for a file/folder with a small name and so you type it entirely not in part, but it happens also to be used as a part word to a lot of other items. An example would be a folder called britain which for me throws up 300 items, so it's hard to spot the one that's actually called precisely britain.
Currently you can then go back and prefix wfn: but I am thinking the GUI would benefit from some kind of search menu option under Search and its equivalents and also under Advanced Search where along with "Match Whole Words" you could have "Match Whole Name".
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Re: Match Whole Name (GUI)

Post by void »

I will consider a "Match Whole Name" option from the Search menu.

Thank you for the suggestion.
Posts: 398
Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:44 pm

Re: Match Whole Name (GUI)

Post by meteorquake »

Some extra ideas on this question...

* If you right-click some text in the Search Bar currently it gives you just a couple of settings. It would be great if it could offer a few more appliable to the context clicked. For example if I right-click the word britain I've typed in the Search Bar it could offer the options "Begins Word", "Begins Name", "Ends Word", "Ends Name", "Whole Word", "Whole Name" and when clicked it inserts a modifier (or adjusts a conflicting one already present) to prefix: startwith: suffix: endwith: ww: wfn: -- I suspect these are the ones in wide regular use.

* The menu item "Insert Function..." could well have two insertion buttons, one that inserts at the cursor point, and one that inserts at the end.

* The Insert Function currently just has Functions, but I think it would be useful to have Modifiers too, as from the user perspective you're just using it to to lookup and insert something. In such a scenario it could be called Insert Functions & Modifiers...

* Under Search Menu you have Match Prefix & Match Suffix. Although these are the modifier names they're not too intuitive because (although the status bar says it) they're not obvious whether they apply to the whole name or words within. I think "Match Begins(Ends) Word" would be clearer.

Cheers, David
Posts: 15675
Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: Match Whole Name (GUI)

Post by void »

* If you right-click some text in the Search Bar currently it gives you just a couple of settings. It would be great if it could offer a few more appliable to the context clicked. For example if I right-click the word britain I've typed in the Search Bar it could offer the options "Begins Word", "Begins Name", "Ends Word", "Ends Name", "Whole Word", "Whole Name" and when clicked it inserts a modifier (or adjusts a conflicting one already present) to prefix: startwith: suffix: endwith: ww: wfn: -- I suspect these are the ones in wide regular use.

I like the idea of right-click text -> Match case / prefix / whole words / etc...
I will consider something like this.

Right click -> Apply Modifier
Right click -> Insert Search Function...
Right click -> Insert Filter Macro...

* The menu item "Insert Function..." could well have two insertion buttons, one that inserts at the cursor point, and one that inserts at the end.
I will consider two options to insert at the caret or end.
I will assume that 99% of the time the caret will be at the end of the search.

* The Insert Function currently just has Functions, but I think it would be useful to have Modifiers too, as from the user perspective you're just using it to to lookup and insert something. In such a scenario it could be called Insert Functions & Modifiers...
I'll consider Search -> Insert Modifier.
Or, right click in the search box -> Apply modifier...

* Under Search Menu you have Match Prefix & Match Suffix. Although these are the modifier names they're not too intuitive because (although the status bar says it) they're not obvious whether they apply to the whole name or words within. I think "Match Begins(Ends) Word" would be clearer.
The statusbar help tip does mention prefix/suffix applies to words.

I will consider changing these to word prefix / word suffix or word begins / word ends

Thank you for the suggestions.
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