command line to connect to a remote ETP server as a separate instance

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command line to connect to a remote ETP server as a separate instance

Post by Marceepoo »

Using the following command line, I can create a separate instance of Everything:

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"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -instance "InstanceName"
Using the GUI interface, I can connect that instance to an ETP Server in my intranet

But I cannot figure out how to code a command line which will both:
1. Create the separate instance of Everything; and
2. Connect the separate instance to that (or any other) EPT Server in my intranet

This is the command line I tried:

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"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -instance "InstanceName" -connect <Username:Password@ipAddress:21>
But I get an error message:
The syntax of the command is incorrect
I used the same ip address, username and password that I successfully used in the Everything GUI to connect the separate instance of Everything (that I created using a command line) to the remote ETP server.

I realized that there must be an ini file named InstanceName.ini, which I found.
As an experiment, I tried to code into the InstanceName.ini file the parameters for a connection to the remote ETP server.
My plan was to see if the command line:
"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -instance "InstanceName"
would automatically open a remote server connection because I had put the remote server connection parameters into the ini file.

But that did not work either, and I do not want to put an administrator group username and password into an ini file.
I think it is safer for me to manually enter that info into a GUI that I code which produces a command line to create the separate instance.

But I would like to understand why that did not work. So, the following 11 lines from the InstanceName.ini file are the lines with which I tinkered, to no avail, as I said above:

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etp_server_enabled=0 (I tried both "0" and "1")
etp_server_bindings=dd.d.d.dd (The letter "d" represents a digit; this is the ip address I used successfully in the Everything GUI to connect to the remote ETP server)
etp_server_username=UserName (User has administrator privileges)
etp_server_allow_file_download=1 (I tried both "0" and "1")
Any insights, comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

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Re: command line to connect to a remote ETP server as a separate instance

Post by NotNull »

In the Everything ETP client you don't need to enable the ETP Server setting.
I can walk you through it, but is is much better described here.
But if that isn't enough, please don't hesitate to say so and I (/we) will help you to get this on the rails.

Good luck!
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Re: command line to connect to a remote ETP server as a separate instance

Post by void »

"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -instance "InstanceName" -connect <Username:Password@ipAddress:21>

But I get an error message:

The syntax of the command is incorrect
Please try without the < and >

For example:
"C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" -instance "InstanceName" -connect Username:Password@ipAddress:21
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Re: command line to connect to a remote ETP server as a separate instance

Post by Marceepoo »

Thank you very much. It worked like a charm! Much appreciated.
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