Folders won't rescan as scheduled

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Folders won't rescan as scheduled

Post by randfee »

I have added several smb mounted shared folders on a win server and run everything on it with an ETP server for the clients to connect to. Works like it should in most ways, but the scheduled folder rescans don't take place.
I've played with the "attempt to monitor changes" but neither on nor off helps.
I can trigger a folder rescan manually just fine without any errors for all of the folders, but none of them rescans automatically.
What also puzzles me is that the database file never gets updated even when I manually rescan unless one quits the application. I'd prefer an option where this got auto-saved so that when the application/server crashes I wouldn't have to rebuild/rescan the entire db.

I'd appreciate the hint I need - thanks!
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Re: Folders won't rescan as scheduled

Post by NotNull »

Off the top of my head (I don't use ETP), I can think of 2 reasons:

Problem: You and the ETP server are using different Everything.ini files
Meaniing that you change one INI file, while the ETP server reads another one.
Solution: disable the Store data and settings in %APPDATA%\Everything checkbox

Problem: You and the ETP server are using the SAME Everything.ini file
When the ETP SErver starts, it reads the INI from disk. When it stops, it writes the INI back to disk. In the meantime it does nothing with the INI on disk (except when you change a setting in the ETP server; then it writes the INI. But you can't do that as the ETP server GUI is not accessible)

When you start Everything under your user account, it will read the INI from disk. You make some changes and the INI gets written to disk.
But the ETP server is unaware of this (doesn't read the INI as this was already done when loading.
When you stop the ETP server, the settings on disk get overwritten by the ones that the ETP server has in memory. Ergo: all your changes are gone.
Solution: Before making changes, stop the ETP server. Now start Everything under your credentials, make the changes and exit Everything (check the systemtray).
Now, when you start the ETP server again, it will load the new INI from disk.
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Re: Folders won't rescan as scheduled

Post by randfee »

I use two different copies of everything in separated network folders ("server" & "client"). I don't see how the one could influence the other in any way.
This also kind of dismisses hypothesis #2.
For hypothesis #1 ("disable the Store data and settings in %APPDATA%\Everything checkbox):
The named checkbox already is unchecked on the ETP server and client instance.

I'm at a loss... tried every setting I could find besides deleting it and setting it up again.

do you think having set folder_update_rescan_asap=0 could have the effect of rescans not working at all? I only intended to prevent immediate rescans after starting the application.
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Re: Folders won't rescan as scheduled

Post by NotNull »

Now I'm even more confused :?

Which Everything do you start to change the settings of the ETP server?
(Don't think that running the client and making changes there will end up in a new configuration of the ETP server; that would create a mess with 10 people connencting to the server adn each making their own settings!)
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Re: Folders won't rescan as scheduled

Post by randfee »

I don't understand the question:
Which Everything do you start to change the settings of the ETP server?
I do not think changes in clients settings could affect the server either, as you state, that would be a mess.
My questions are:
  1. I run Everything on a windows terminalserver. This instance is set up as an ETP server.This one is set up like the screenshot above to scan network folders. Including the setting to update every 2h for some folders, every 24h for others, however, this is not happening. The only way to rescan is to manually invoke to rescan in the same window as shown above.
    The question thus is: how to ensure the set rescanning time per folder actually occurs?
  2. I'd like everything (the server instance) to save any rescan to its database immediately. Now, this only happens after I properly quit it. The DB file doesn't seem to get written to without a shutdown. If everything crashes after a while, it restarts with a very old database - or am I mistaken here. So The question is: how to invoke "autosave to database" after each rescan?
and no tweaking of the settings (that I know of) nor rebuilding the entire db with a fresh install seems to work. The settings dialogue seems very straight forward, I don't see why it wouldn't rescan if I tell it to. I also don't see why it doesn't save the database file after each rescan since everything DOES crash occasionally, it would be a no-brainer setting imho.
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Re: Folders won't rescan as scheduled

Post by void »

Could you please try running Everything in debug mode:
  • Completely exit Everything (Right click the Everything system tray icon and click OK).
  • In Windows Explorer, navigate to your Everything.exe
  • Shift + Right click in the folder and click Open command window here.
  • Run the following command:
    Everything.exe -debug
  • Take note of the following debug messages shown in the debug console:
    next update at DD/MM HH:mm
    These will be listed in the same order for each folder as shown under Tools -> Options -> Folders
  • Do these next updates day/time seem reasonable?
  • Leave the debug console open
  • After the next update schedule is hit, you should see the following in the debug console:
    update folder start C:\folder
    where C:\folder is the folder being updated.
To close the debug console:
  • In Everything, type in the following search and press ENTER:
Everything will check for scheduled folder updates every 60 seconds (so they may not occur instantly).

Disabling folder_update_rescan_asap does not prevent scheduled tasks.
Disabling folder_update_rescan_asap will cause Everything to recalculate the next scheduled update when you first start Everything.
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