When does the db file date change??

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When does the db file date change??

Post by jbarcher13 »

We're setting Everything up on a web server and have users use the web interface to search.

For out test, I set up Everything as a standard user (using my log in) with the service running and data stored in %APPDATA%\Everything. Since it's on a web server, it's always running (unless I restart), and I have Everything set up to run on system startup. And I also have the UI Run in background checked. The db is located here: C:\Users\Jan.Archer\AppData\Local\Everything. The Everything supporting files and the HTTP files are located here: C:\Users\Jan.Archer\AppData\Roaming\Everything.

I added some network folders to index -- these are folders that are mapped network drives. I have updating set to every day at 3 am. The first index was done and db created on 12/20/2016. One of the folders I've indexed is one that is updated often so I expect to see those updates in the search results, which I have.

So, forgive me for asking what I'm sure are basic questions:
1. Why does the date in the Date modified column in File Explorer remain with the original index date when updates are clearly happening (since I can search and find files that have been added after the original db was created)? I guess I expected the database date to change.

2. What exactly happens when you "update" and "Force Rebuild" -- does the update just add new/change info to the index? Does the "Force rebuild" rebuild the index and therefore the db date modified change?

3. Is there a way to tell (besides searching for something that may have been added yesterday) that the Updates are happening? Is there a log file that I can access? I know that there is an HTTP_Server_Log.txt file, but that doesn't address the updating routine...hope that makes sense.

Many thanks!! Jan
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Re: When does the db file date change??

Post by void »

1. Why does the date in the Date modified column in File Explorer remain with the original index date when updates are clearly happening (since I can search and find files that have been added after the original db was created)? I guess I expected the database date to change.
Everything doesn't store the index on disk when it is running.
The entire index is stored in memory.
Only when you exit Everything is the database on disk updated.
2. What exactly happens when you "update" and "Force Rebuild" -- does the update just add new/change info to the index? Does the "Force rebuild" rebuild the index and therefore the db date modified change?
Folder updating folders, the entire folder tree is rescanned.
Force rebuild rebuilds the entire index (where possible -offline indexes are kept)
These are all done in memory and do not change the database on disk.
3. Is there a way to tell (besides searching for something that may have been added yesterday) that the Updates are happening? Is there a log file that I can access? I know that there is an HTTP_Server_Log.txt file, but that doesn't address the updating routine...hope that makes sense.
Please try sorting by date modified, and checking the most recently modified files.
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Re: When does the db file date change??

Post by jbarcher13 »

OH...now I get it. So if we never exit the program, the db file date won't change. Then, on reboot/restart, the db file will change and update with all the memory changes, right?

Whew! Thank you so much for your quick response!
Cheers, Jan
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Re: When does the db file date change??

Post by bobm »

So does this mean that if the PC is left on for, say, 2 months, then crashes due to a power outage, Everything will revert to the 2 month old database when the PC is restarted?
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Re: When does the db file date change??

Post by NotNull »

bobm wrote:So does this mean that if the PC is left on for, say, 2 months, then crashes due to a power outage, Everything will revert to the 2 month old database when the PC is restarted?
That is correct!

Good news 1: Everything will pick up the changes it missed right away (minus the changes done to currently off-line volumes).
Depending on your configuration, that can take somewhere between a couple of seconds and a couple of minutes.

Good news 2: You can make Everything save the database to disk on demand with the command
Everything.exe -update
You can make a scheduled task for this (for example).
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Re: When does the db file date change??

Post by bobm »

Thanks for the clarification. :)
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