Thank You!

General discussion related to "Everything".
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Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:58 pm

Thank You!

Post by TTTTII »

I just screwed up merging maybe 2,500 files into four different parent folders with a sub-structure (and files in multiple locations) with random errors in the folder names (don't ask how I managed it - really *blush*). I couldn't match RegEx patterns to reverse it, I couldn't really pull out the NOT version of my merges, Microsoft Advanced Query Syntax couldn't help me, but a careful query with Everything, including the "child:" function pulled up what I needed, and I popped them into Teracopy. Now it's time to fix it with Bulk Rename Utility before I try it again (btw, people, the interface works just great, in spite of all the flak they get randomly on the web). Those guys deserve a bit of credit too.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this magnificent program. I use many USB drives and two significant network shares, and having power like this available - instantly - makes "Everything" one of the absolute best tools I use. And, oh my, you're providing it free? With no garbage attached? I doubt I would have tried it had it been a paid/trial/(garbage) version as I find the time used to learn something generally not worth it if I can't definitely afford the software. A donation will be coming your way.

This is not the only incident where you've saved me an incredible amount of time, let alone the moments you're constantly saving me throughout the day.

This is incredibly useful, well-thought-out software that should be on any power-user's must-have list. It doesn't seem like most reviewers/bloggers on the web have any idea how deep and intelligently-designed this software is, which is everyone's loss.

May you have every success both personally and professionally.
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:57 pm

Re: Thank You!

Post by SuperDude »

I helped a woman who tried to upgrade her computer to Windows 10 on the day before the free upgrade date expired. The "upgrade" completely broke her computer. She had critical Quicken financial database files on her computer that seemed to have disappeared after I restored her computer. I had backups of her files on my computer, but I had to use a Linux boot disc just to access her computer's hard drive to make those copies - the Windows 10 "upgrade" had screwed up her computer that badly. I couldn't even use a Windows rescue disc to access her hard drive.

Anyway, after her computer was restored, we used Windows' search to look for the files she needed, with no results. I knew parts of the names of the files she was looking for, but they were buried in a folder with thousands of sub-folders, and over 78,000 files. When visiting the root folder in Windows Explorer, it scanned the folder and sub-folders... after 15 minutes of no progress, I finally ran the copy of Everything I keep on a micro USB flash drive which I carry in my wallet. After Everything indexed her hard drive (less than 2 minutes), Everything found the files INSTANTLY. Problem solved.
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