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"Everything" version

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:43 pm
by Voltron43

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:19 pm
by yam001
Doesn't work here
It just doesn't load any database and is hanged in some continous loop saying Quering USN change journal on C:
DeviceIoControl(00000150,FSCTL_CREATE_USN_JOURNAL,00b1f9c0,16,0,0,11663832,0): 112: Failed to create USN Journal.
11/24/2009 7:47:56 PM: Everything .\src\db.cpp(29244): db::_create_usn_journal(): Too many errors
Checked the older alpha .446a and it crashes on first start with same error.
11/24/2009 7:58:54 PM: Everything .\src\db.cpp(28289): db::_create_usn_journal(): DeviceIoControl(00000724,FSCTL_CREATE_USN_JOURNAL,00b1f9c0,16,0,0,11663832,0): 112: Failed to create USN Journal.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:57 pm
by therube
What OS are you running?
Are you running as an Administrative User?

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 7:31 pm
by yam001
XP Sp2 here
Last version was working fine .442a

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:46 pm
by void
11/24/2009 7:47:51 PM: Everything .\src\db.cpp(29244): db::_create_usn_journal(): DeviceIoControl(000000e0,FSCTL_CREATE_USN_JOURNAL,00b1f9c0,16,0,0,11663832,0): 112: Failed to create USN Journal.

Code: Select all

ERROR_DISK_FULL 112 There is not enough space on the disk.
Try freeing up at least 8mb of free disk space.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:38 pm
by therube
("void" == "David"?)

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:20 am
by David
yes, void will be my main forum user name from now on..

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:53 am
by yam001
Well, mysteriously it's working now.
Still I think it would be better to tell exactly what to do, instead of hanging in infinite loop by the program itself.
btw is 8mb only the limit or it's relative to volume size? i know my volumes are generally having pretty low free space but still i leave 10-15mb or so :lol:

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:22 am
by void
Still I think it would be better to tell exactly what to do, instead of hanging in infinite loop by the program itself.
Added to my "Things to do" list - high priority.
btw is 8mb only the limit or it's relative to volume size?
8mb is the default USN Journal size, you can change this in Tools -> Options -> Volumes.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:11 pm
by rando
David wrote:yes, void will be my main forum user name from now on..
Welcome to the forum void :D

Just to tell you that Everything is becoming better and better. ;)

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:45 am
by mike21
Thanks so much for updating this wonderful program. The only thing I miss is to mix files and folders together.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:55 am
by Kurt
what are the best allocation usn journal /delta sizes ...32 / 4?

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:46 pm
by void
what are the best allocation usn journal /delta sizes ...32 / 4?
8MB / 1MB for XP.
32MB / 4MB for Vista or later.
1MB will store about 10,000 changes.

Bug: "Everything" version

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:51 am
by Mephis
If you disable [ ] Allow multiple windows, this setting is ignored.
This bug has been introduced with version - works correctly with

For me a showstopper, back to

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:14 pm
by deepdvd
Mephis wrote:Bug:
If you disable [ ] Allow multiple windows, this setting is ignored.
This bug has been introduced with version - works correctly with

For me a showstopper, back to
I agree. It is nice to have only one window and be able to close it using the keyboard [Esc] to quickly do a search and not fill up your taskbar.

I'm using ver.

Thanks for the best Windows application ever.

Please release an update with this issue fixed, when possible.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 12:11 am
by void
Mephis wrote:Bug:
If you disable [ ] Allow multiple windows, this setting is ignored.
This bug has been introduced with version - works correctly with

For me a showstopper, back to
See Bug in version for a solution.

Allow multiple windows will only take effect when you run another Everything.exe.
I would recommend leaving Allow multiple windows enabled and using the new option Toggle window from notification icon and Toggle window hotkey to use only one window.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:45 am
by deepdvd
void wrote: See Bug in version for a solution.

Allow multiple windows will only take effect when you run another Everything.exe.
I would recommend leaving Allow multiple windows enabled and using the new option Toggle window from notification icon and Toggle window hotkey to use only one window.
Thanks for the quick response. That works perfectly.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:22 pm
by ale5000
David wrote:Known issues:
  • unicode ext: corrupts file and folder names - fixed for next release.
Does it mean that it show them corrupted inside Everything or it really corrupt filenames on the disk?

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:36 pm
by void
Does it mean that it show them corrupted inside Everything or it really corrupt filenames on the disk?
Only "Everything"'s cache is corrupted.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:18 am
by deepdvd
I use Drive Snapshot and mount NTFS disk images created by it.
Everything version will let me search these mounted volumes/images (which are assigned a drive letter), but this new version won't. (I'm don't know what version this would have appeared initially in). The mounted drive doesn't show up in the volumes tab unlike the released version which may be why it no longer works?

Could I doing something wrong or missing an option?
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit OS

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:14 pm
by void
I use Drive Snapshot and mount NTFS disk images created by it.
Everything version will let me search these mounted volumes/images (which are assigned a drive letter), but this new version won't. (I'm don't know what version this would have appeared initially in). The mounted drive doesn't show up in the volumes tab unlike the released version which may be why it no longer works?
I am looking into this problem..

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:13 am
by hsrstud
Thank you for your help. I've been experiencing an issue with Everything, since I installed the latest alpha. However, I'm not sure if it's a result of installing the latest alpha or my changing a setting after installing the latest build. When I try to search for a file in a folder on my hard drive using the context menu, Everything shows no results. However, if I just open Everything and search for a file, the file appears. I would attach a screen shot to show what I mean, but apparently this isn't possible.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:31 pm
by deepdvd
hsrstud wrote:Thank you for your help. I've been experiencing an issue with Everything, since I installed the latest alpha. However, I'm not sure if it's a result of installing the latest alpha or my changing a setting after installing the latest build. When I try to search for a file in a folder on my hard drive using the context menu, Everything shows no results. However, if I just open Everything and search for a file, the file appears. I would attach a screen shot to show what I mean, but apparently this isn't possible.
I had the same issue today. I would right-click a folder to use the "Search Everything..." context menu, and the results are empty every time. Searching for files worked fine, but if I include a slash (/), I get empty results.

I backed up the folder, then deleted the Everything database (.db) and the settings (.ini ) file and Everything is working as it should now. I'll try fixing my settings manually how they were and see if all is fine.

Update: All works fine now. But... If I restore my old settings (Everything.ini) the problem returns.

Update2: I found the problem. If you accidentally pressed Ctrl-E (which I probably did), it turns off the Match Path option under the Search menu item. I found it by comparing the working .ini file with the non-working one in Notepad++. The line below was one that was highlighted as different.


Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:43 am
by hsrstud
Thanks for your help deepdvd. Unfortunately, even after deleting the .ini and .db files, I still can't search folder paths. I even checked to make sure the Match Path option was selected, and it does have a check mark.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:48 am
by hsrstud
Here are all of my path settings:

explore_folder_path_command=$exec("%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" /n,/e,/select,"%1")
open_folder_path_command=$exec("%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" /select,"%1")

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:07 pm
by deepdvd
hsrstud wrote:Here are all of my path settings:

explore_folder_path_command=$exec("%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" /n,/e,/select,"%1")
open_folder_path_command=$exec("%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe" /select,"%1")
That looks like your problem right there. It should be one... not zero

It doesn't make sense that it initialized as 0 though (since you said you deleted it). When I deleted mine, it defaulted to 1. Did you exit "Everything" before you deleted them? It recreates it when you close the window, so you should be exiting Everything prior to deleting if you want to start fresh (or even modifying the .ini file)

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:58 pm
by hsrstud
Unfortunately, I switched the highlighted parameter to 1, but still no go. After restarting Everything, I went back into the .ini file to confirm that the parameter's value was still 1. This was the case. This issue is occurring on both my Windows XP and 7 machines.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:41 pm
by hsrstud
Figured out the problem. I've been searching folders that were hardlinks.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:29 pm
by gunrunnerjohn
I'm running the above named version, and I have a consistent issue.

If I use a rename utility to rename a bunch of files in a folder structure, Everything suddenly thinks that folder is empty. Even turning off the DB for the folder and then turning it back on again doesn't regenerate the database.

I have to stop Everything, delete the database, then start it again to generate the correct listing.

Since a 3rd party application is doing the renames, is it somehow bypassing the method that Everything uses to update the database?

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:50 pm
by deepdvd
gunrunnerjohn wrote:I'm running the above named version, and I have a consistent issue.

If I use a rename utility to rename a bunch of files in a folder structure, Everything suddenly thinks that folder is empty. Even turning off the DB for the folder and then turning it back on again doesn't regenerate the database.

I have to stop Everything, delete the database, then start it again to generate the correct listing.

Since a 3rd party application is doing the renames, is it somehow bypassing the method that Everything uses to update the database?
FWIW, I just tried this with a 3rd party renaming utility and I didn't have any issues with this version of Everything.
What utility are you using?

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:39 pm
by nitrox
Some times when i try to open a file from search results i get this error

Code: Select all

06/01/2010 14:10:26: Everything d:\dev\everything\src\mu.h(860): mu::ShellExecuteExUTF8_idlist(): ShellExecuteExW(): GetLastError(): 6: failed to execute

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:17 am
by daspud
deepdvd wrote:... I just tried this with a 3rd party renaming utility and I didn't have any issues with this version of Everything.
What utility are you using?
Thanks for the pointer to A.F.5. That makes life a little easier. ;)

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:11 pm
by jgt1942
deepdvd - I've been using BulkRename see and have not noticed any issues.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:16 pm
by 1witheverything
Thanks David, for a wonderful program. I love fast-tiny things.

Just getting started ... would like to index a network storage volume ( 2.2 m files and growing).
The implementation is a small linux kernel running on an ARM processor, and the wonderful
news is that it is programmable. So I have the new fun project of building a web server on this
device that will be running the everything server.

Suggestion: point the installed help system to the forum FAQ.
Took me awhile to find my way around ... running two everythings on Win7, indexing
separate volumes containing 8TB of data.

I put the everything.db on the device I index. Let me know if that is a bad idea.

Another favorite program is Beyond Compare, which I have converted into a replacement
Explorer to eliminate the nonsense of not being able to access directories on my own
machine. "Access denied" .... running as Administrator?
What part of "personal computer" has Microsoft lost touch with.

Beyond Compare is highly tailorable to act on files, or launch programs like "cygwin" into the directory.

--- Cheers to the void ---

"Make me one with everything" -- Buddhist monk to Hot Dog vendor

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:43 pm
by cacamama
May I ask when the next unstable/stable version is due?
Not that this version isn't treating me well, I just need something to be excited about =)

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:42 am
by everythings_great
a great program just got better

indispensable in my daily pc use

absolutely kills windows search feature which takes ages and thrashes my hard drives

thanks to David

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 2:54 am
by daspud
cacamama wrote:May I ask when the next unstable/stable version is due?
Not that this version isn't treating me well, I just need something to be excited about =)
:) I know what you mean. I am the same way.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:46 am
by void
I am currently still improving custom file lists, rewriting search history and improving the toolbars.

Will have an another alpha once that is done.

I would still like to add color/font customization before a beta / official release.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:15 am
by stenionet
When I double click or press enter over an image, the windows image viewer(the default image viewer of the windows) close and open. This make the operation slow.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:45 pm
by DickPape
I have the same problem on Irfanview. Not every time. Dbl click, image shows briefly (3 seconds), then blanks out, has disk activity and eventually comes back maybe 15 seconds later. Hour glass entire time. Once done, the next image is fast. (Just did BMP and had problem).

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:45 am
by therube
(IrfanView can be quite inefficient as it enumerates large directories & or directory trees. So when you click an image & expect that it is only dealing with that singular image, it still reads through, into memory I suppose, the entire directory structure, creating a noticeable lag when you're jumping around. Perhaps Irfan needs to use Everything-like means to accomplish the same ;-).)

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:53 am
by DickPape
And all those Windows routines which you use to select a subdirectory. Some of them are incredibly tedious! Seems like it reads the entire disk, file by file!

For some reason I think it is Irfanview, however I've never had that problem with image files but have always had it with large font directories. Explorer stops and reads each font file to determine whether its Open Type or not (or something). I use Directory Opus which doesn't do that.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:16 am
by ambimind
I use "everything" everyday and due to its simplicity and efficiency I wonder, every time I use it, how on earth I ever did with out it. Thank you David!
I work in the IT industry and now load it on every computer I work on. After about 20 such installations I began to get, in amongst mostly praise, a complaint or two about delays occurring when new external hard disks were plugged in - that is, the software will not respond or show no search results until the drive has been indexed. It also seems to re-index the drive in question if its is power cycled or its temporarily disconnected.
This is inefficient and very troublesome for a persons working with many such drives every day.

I wish to ask if its possible to avoid this behavior, perhaps by allowing the search to go on/keeping the program responsive while the indexing is going on and/or reveal the results as they become available in the database?
As a second step I would love to see an option where one could keep a catalog of specific drives and have that catalog be searchable and updatable either automatically or manually.
I can imagine two modes, that can be me mixed or activated individually, where one searches the contents of connected(live) drivers and the other cataloged(offline) drivers. And where the drives could be identified by their hardware id.

Thanks again for this wonderful software David.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:37 am
by void
I wish to ask if its possible to avoid this behavior, perhaps by allowing the search to go on/keeping the program responsive while the indexing is going on and/or reveal the results as they become available in the database?
The only possible way with would be to edit the Everything.ini file and change the check_media settings for each volume
For example, make the following changes to ignore new volumes (Keep any currently attached volumes set to 1).
Removable drives are not automatically included in the database with the latest alpha release.
As a second step I would love to see an option where one could keep a catalog of specific drives and have that catalog be searchable and updatable either automatically or manually.
I am working on custom file lists which will make this possible.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:38 pm
by Kurt
Will there ever be a explorer searchbar+ sidebar integration with results displayed within file/folder frame?.. not that it doesn't already lay the smack down on that microcrap winshite 7 desktop slurch.. how no earth they get away with releasing such the shit explorer shell that is even worse than XP, I'll never know, too many noobs I guess.

anyway can't wait for the next alpha, got a backlog of improvements I'm waiting for :D

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:17 pm
by cacamama
I would rather see file & folder size indexing implemented first. Should be optional though, it would add a lot to indexing time.

I wish everything were open-source, but then again, some projects don't get many contributors.
You know David, you could actually sell Everything. It is probably the single piece of software I wouldn't mind paying for.

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:26 pm
by ambimind
void wrote:
I wish to ask if its possible to avoid this behavior, perhaps by allowing the search to go on/keeping the program responsive while the indexing is going on and/or reveal the results as they become available in the database?
The only possible way with would be to edit the Everything.ini file and change the check_media settings for each volume
For example, make the following changes to ignore new volumes (Keep any currently attached volumes set to 1).
Removable drives are not automatically included in the database with the latest alpha release.
I see, however, I want the new drives to be searchable - without the hang ups.
void wrote:
As a second step I would love to see an option where one could keep a catalog of specific drives and have that catalog be searchable and updatable either automatically or manually.

I am working on custom file lists which will make this possible.
I can't wait!


Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:14 pm
by stenionet
"Re: "Everything" version

by stenionet ยป Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:15 am
When I double click or press enter over an image, the windows image viewer(the default image viewer of the windows) close and open. This make the operation slow."

I forgot to say: in the Everything-, the problem did not occur.
In this version, the image viewer did not close before open another image.

I am sorry for my english

Re: "Everything" version

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:18 am
by void
When I double click or press enter over an image, the windows image viewer(the default image viewer of the windows) close and open. This make the operation slow."

I forgot to say: in the Everything-, the problem did not occur.
In this version, the image viewer did not close before open another image.
The problem is caused by starting an application with execute in a separate thread enabled.

To disable execute in a separate thread:
  • In "Everything", from the Tools menu, click Options.
  • Click the View tab.
  • In the Advanced Settings, under the General folder, uncheck Execute in a separate thread.
  • Click OK.