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Find Photos taken near known GPS location

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:19 pm
by ralstogj

I am trying find help documentation on how to write the search syntax to find photos taken near a known location if it is at all possible.

We have about 10 years of construction photos of underground services and sometimes we have to dug up certain area again and it would be good to be able to quickly find old photos taken in the area historically to see what was originally built.

I see in version 1.5 we have access to properties and can add the gps lat and long column to the viewer.

I was hoping I could create some kind of search string along the lines of this , being a complete guess at this stage>45.333,<45.66) AND properties.gps.long(>168.333,<168.66)

to define the corners of a search box's upper and lower bounds and return just the photos within that lat's and long area.

If someone could advise if this can be done, point me in the direction of the right area of the help documentation, or better yet provide an example that would be appreciated.



Re: Find Photos taken near known GPS location

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:04 am
by ralstogj
Ok I managed to figure it out. If you use the following example search string

latitude:-45..-46 longitude:169..170

It will find and return photos with a latitude between -45 and -46 and longitude between 169 and 170

If you know your sites location then you can just use a search distance to find the bounding area and search for co-ordinates with those limits.

Remembering that a phones gps co-ords are only accurate to about 20-100m most of the time you will not get super accuracy but near enough if you allow a 200m search area.

