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Switching to Linux - NEED EVERYTHING!

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:14 pm
by smgolden

I'm switching to Zorin OS 17 Linux (Debian-based) as I simply cannot abide Windows 11. They're making it too Mac-like and removing features I've used for decades (since the mid-90s, actually). There are two issues that are making the switch painful. One is the lack of Everything for search. There is NOTHING that comes close to the power and yet simplicity of VoidTools Everything! I've read today that a Linux version is on you to-do list.

If it will help move the project along, I will pay $50 (perhaps more) for a functional Linux version of Everything.

I'm running a dual-boot of Windows 10 and Zorin using Grub2Win. That means both operating systems share my data and backup drives. I can bring Everything up through WINE in Linux, but Everything simply doesn't recognize the Linux etx4 drives. It sees my Windows NTFS data and backup drives, but doesn't properly index them.

Any word on when we can expect a Linux version?



Re: Switching to Linux - NEED EVERYTHING!

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:14 pm
by IamDan
The tool you want is GNU locate.

Every GUI distro I've used either has it pre-installed or available. If it isn't pre-installed, you'll may have to configure how the db updates. Memory says the first time is slow, after that fast.

Re: Switching to Linux - NEED EVERYTHING!

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 12:12 am
by smgolden
Actually, I installed Everything on Windows 10 in a VirtualBox. Everything is working GREAT!

Thanks for the tip on GNU Locate. For Ubuntu, it's seems to just be called "Locate." After being accustomed to Everything for years, Locate's not going to be optimal for me. However, I've got Everything set up to find files, documents, and contents, as appropriate on my Windows drives as well as my Linux drive.

Here's my setup:
Linux VirtualBox Share Definitions
Folder Name: Crucial1000
Folder Path: /media/<linuxusername>/Crucial1000
Mount point: \\VBOXSVR\Crucial1000

Folder Name: Win10
Folder Path: /media/<linuxusername>/Win10/Users/<winusername>
Mount point: \\VBOXSVR\Win10/Users/<winusername>

Folder Name: Documents
Folder Path: /home/<linuxusername>/Documents
Mount point: \VBOXSVR\Zo

For each mount point defined, I created a corresponding directory, or directory path on the Virtual Windows 10 C:\ drive.
VirtualBox creates the drive letters in the Virtual Windows 10 system corresponding to the VirtualBox shares.

Everything Indexing
Tools > Options > Indexes

Drives and Folders currently indexed:
NTFS: C:\ (by Everything default)
Folders (and Shared Drives, as they appear in Win10 VirtualBox from Everything's view):
Y:\Documents (Linux Zorin Drive)
Z:\Dropbox ---Crucial1000 (Former Windows Data Drive)
Z:\Htdocs ---Crucial1000 (Former Windows Data Drive)
Z:\MDocuments ---Crucial1000 (Former Windows Data Drive)
Z:\MyDocuments ---Crucial1000 (Former Windows Data Drive)
Z:\MyHeritage ---Crucial1000 (Former Windows Data Drive)
U:\Downloads ---Windows10Native (Windows 10 Native OS Drive)
U:\Documents ---Windows10Native (Windows 10 Native OS Drive)
U:\Dropbox ---Windows10Native (Windows 10 Native OS Drive)
U:\OneDrive ---Windows10Native (Windows 10 Native OS Drive)

Tools > Options > Content
Index File Content
Include only folders:
Z:\Dropbox;Z:\Htdocs;Z:\MDocuments;Z:\MyDocuments;C:\Users\<winusername>\Documents;U:\Documents;U:\My Documents;U:\Downloads;U:\Dropbox;U:\OneDrive;Y:\

Content being included in the scan:


Thanks for creating such an AWESOME product as Everything! There's just nothing comparable in the Linux realm.