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Drag-Move Long File becomes Copy

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 11:01 am
by meteorquake
If I drag-move a bunch of files where one of them has a long total path (just over normal), to a folder (that may have a short path), the move for all of them becomes copy. I can shift-drag and it changes to the normal move. If I shorten the offending file to a normal length it all works as normal.
This doesn't sound expected to me, and caught me by surprise.
It's possibly what is happening in the unresolved bug report at viewtopic.php?t=12789
Version (x64) W10

Re: Drag-Move Long File becomes Copy

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:45 am
by void
The drag-drop operation is completed by the system with GetUIObjectOf/IID_IDropTarget.

I will consider handling the drag-drop operation with Everything.
(at least for files with really long names)

Thank you for the suggestion.