Is there a function to search for file names and paths separately?

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Is there a function to search for file names and paths separately?

Post by determination »

This is an outstanding software.

I am search for a fuzzy file name, which is in a fuzzy path.
The first word in the search string is the file name, followed by the second, third They are all paths.
Alternatively, use a symbol to distinguish the paths that are considered by subsequent input strings. For example:
"abc \\pathAbc1 pathAbc2 pathAbc3" (\\ is suppose )

A,I have tried this:
"abc path:pathA path:pathB path:pathC"
But in this case, it would be inconvenient to input more characters.
B,I have tried match path,
But there are many similarities between file names and path names, and I want to strictly distinguish between search objects

Or, what syntax do I not know about?
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