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Neither menu bar nor context menus respond to mouse or standard menu key combos

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:16 pm
by driste
SUMMARY: Neither menu bar nor context menus in Everything respond to mouse or standard menu-opening key combinations.

I've done searches on this issue and found nothing. The problem has persisted for several months. Everything is the ONLY application that has this problem.

I can reinstall Everything and the menu functionality comes back for varying periods, but never for longer than a couple hours. Yesterday I reinstalled and the menus stopped working in less than a half hour after reinstallation.

Notably, it's not just mice clicks that have problems. For example, F10 activates the menu and you see the underlines on the first letter of the menu items. This much works. But if you press "F" for File after F10, nothing happens.

If, instead of F10, you press Alt+F for File or Alt+B for Bookmarks, Everything will show the tooltip in the bottom status bar, but otherwise, not respond at all. Likewise, you can click on, say, Help, and the tooltip "Contains help commands" shows on the bottom status bar.

Right-click context menu commands with the mouse do not work on files, nor does Alt+Enter bring up properties when you have selected a file. However, you can select files and press Enter on a file and the file will open, so these minimal window actions do work. BTW I have tried two different mice, to make sure it's not my new mouse. Needless to say, this is an odd issue.

I tried switching to NOT keeping everything.ini in the Appdata folder, but I don't think it helped. I could try that again, if necessary.

Can anyone figure out what's happening? Thank you!

Windows 11 Home OS Build 22621.1265

Re: Neither menu bar nor context menus respond to mouse or standard menu key combos

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:22 pm
by raccoon
Are you running some sort of AutoHotkey/AutoIt script that might be intercepting keystrokes from Everything?

Could your computer be infected with malware?

Can you reproduce this issue on a second computer, laptop, or in a New User account or in Safe Mode?

Consider installing Everything 1.5 (current development version) to see if the problem is also reproduced there as well.

Also make sure that you are not running Everything "As Administrator" because Windows security hates it when you do this. Instead, let Everything install the Everything Service.

Re: Neither menu bar nor context menus respond to mouse or standard menu key combos

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 3:32 am
by void
Everything uses the stock system menu.

Some thoughts:

If you exit Everything, then restart Everything does the issue persist?
From the File menu, click Exit
Restart Everything.

-this is just to determine if Everything is starting up in this odd state..

Is the popup context menu showing underneath the Everything window?
-If you resize the Everything search window so the Help menu item is just visible.
Click the Help menu item.
Does the Help popup menu show up underneath Everything?

-Please make sure View -> On Top -> Never is checked.

A context menu system hook might be broken.
There's tools available to list installed hooks.

Check if there's any context menus open in another program. (even if that program doesn't have focus)
Only one context menu can be shown at one time.
I some times get this issue with VMWare and the context menu showing on the tray icon. (the context menu is hidden under the taskbar)

Re: Neither menu bar nor context menus respond to mouse or standard menu key combos

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:05 am
by driste
Thank you.

Restarting Everything does not stop the menu problem.
The popup context menu is not being displayed behind Everything. I checked.
There are no context menus open elsewhere.

My system is constantly checked for virus etc. No autohotkey or any key capturing or macro programs are installed.
Not running Everything as Administrator.

I have used Everything for 10 years or pretty much since the beginning (can't remember it's so long).

I'll try on a different machine and/or account. And I'll probably try version 1.5.

Thanks again.

Re: Neither menu bar nor context menus respond to mouse or standard menu key combos

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:22 am
by horst.epp
Try to change your Windows theme.
In the past I had such a strange behavior and the fix was to select another theme.

Re: Neither menu bar nor context menus respond to mouse or standard menu key combos

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 2:00 am
by driste
Hello everyone, thank you for the suggestions. I have been using Version (x64) for a month, and this version is not having the "menus don't respond to mouse" problem.

Actually, I thought the new version had the issue about a week after installing, but I might have gotten my versions mixed up, because the new version has been perfect ever since, and I only installed it once. The last release version still has the issue--that is, for some reason, the Everything menus don't respond to menu clicks; but if the alpha/beta works, I'm satisfied. Thanks!