Right-click tab (particularly the +) menu item "Explore Folder from Clipboard"

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Right-click tab (particularly the +) menu item "Explore Folder from Clipboard"

Post by meteorquake »

Currently if you right-click the 'Folders' title of the Folder Bar you can Explore Folder from Clipboard
However that only operates on the active tab.
It's quite useful to be able to create a new tab explored from the clipboard.
* I think if you right-click the + tab (new tab) there should be an option "Explore Folder from Clipboard" that creates a new tab, opens the folder sidebar if not present, and goes to the Folder in the side tree per the clipboard (if the clipboard is a file it could also locate the file in the results). Probably the blank tab bar space on the right of the + could do the same.
* This could probably be generalised to all the tabs having this option (the existing menus are small) since you have to click the tab to focus it which means you might as well right-click and save an extra bit of additional mousing. Technically this should be left-click to focus then right-click to Explore by the clipboard though in practice I think right-clicking and Exploring from clipboard on a defocussed tab could also focus it since that's usually going to be the task, though an option would cover all bases if the issue were then raised by anyone who wanted to Explore a defocussed tab without focussing it.
Cheers! David
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Re: Right-click tab (particularly the +) menu item "Explore Folder from Clipboard"

Post by vsub »

I am confused(maybe I have that menu disabled,I don't have "Explore Folder from Clipboard")
What I have is when I right click on a folder and the Folders sidebar is active,there is a menu called "Explore in Everything"

When I click on that it moves the Folders sidebar to that folder and the search result shows all files in that folder and that result is shown in the current tab
But if you hold Ctrl when clicking on "Explore in Everything",this will do the same as above but open the result in a new tab
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Re: Right-click tab (particularly the +) menu item "Explore Folder from Clipboard"

Post by NotNull »

I think this about right-clicking the Folders header of the Folders sidebar:
2024-02-24 18_23_49-C__Program Files_Everything 1.5a - Everything (1.5a) (x64).png
2024-02-24 18_23_49-C__Program Files_Everything 1.5a - Everything (1.5a) (x64).png (22.98 KiB) Viewed 1582 times
Although I don't care about this feature (at all; i.m.o. this context menu should not include tab specific entries), maybe implementing a 'CTRL + rightclick' could open a new tab in a future version.
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Re: Right-click tab (particularly the +) menu item "Explore Folder from Clipboard"

Post by void »

Everything adds key modifier support to the "Explorer folder from clipboard" command.

Hold down Ctrl when clicking Explorer folder from clipboard to show in a new tab.
Hold down Shift when clicking Explorer folder from clipboard to show in a new window.
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Re: Right-click tab (particularly the +) menu item "Explore Folder from Clipboard"

Post by meteorquake »

Many thanks - that works, and is intuitive.
* There is no statusbar description when you mouse over it, which would be a good opportunity to add and mention in it the modifiers. (Also no status for the "Options..." menu item)

I would note one thing though - it requires the folder bar to be open. I had been thinking of the right-click on tabs because that would still be available even when the folder bar is closed, and the folder bar would pop open on the action if closed.
* I am thinking one addition that would help address this would be to create three assignable commands that keyboard shortcuts can be assigned to that do those operations, so they can be run from the keyboard whatever the existing state - i.e. commands for Explore from Clipboard (in current view), Explore from Clipboard (new tab), Explore from Clipboard (new window).

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Re: Right-click tab (particularly the +) menu item "Explore Folder from Clipboard"

Post by void »

I'll look into adding status bar help for these commands.

I will consider support for binding keyboard shortcut to these commands.
It could be done now by adding a bookmark with the /command search command:

Name: Explore Path From Clipboard
Search: /command 40236

Name: Explore Path From Clipboard (Allow keyboard modifier)
Search: /command 40333
(This one isn't really useful as a bookmark -I'm just noting the command)

Name: Explore Path From Clipboard (New Tab)
Search: /command 40334

Name: Explore Path From Clipboard (New Window)
Search: /command 40335

Thank you for the suggestions.

Command IDs
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