Custom Actions

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Custom Actions

Post by meteorquake »

We're probably all familiar with having to do a lot of right-clicking and dragging about.
Some of these tasks are frequent generally, some frequent just for a period.
When frequent, it would be useful to create an "Action" that can easily applied. The action could be a variation on one of the standard items, or something novel. Actions could be invoked by keyboard or custom action column(s).
To illustrate, suppose I had a lot of files and I want to send some to a couple of different folders, email some, maybe delete some or edit some.
So I'd make an action for moving to folder A and call it Move to A, an action for copying to folder B, called Copy to B, an action for launching as an email attachment called Email, an action for shelling as a parameter to some script or program, appending the file path to a text file or clipboard etc.
I could assign these keyboard shortcuts; or I could use Add Columns... or equivalent and under a Custom Actions category these actions would appear. When chosen as columns they would create a slim column with a button on, so that I could have against my files buttons for each of the tasks I want to do, and I can just work through the files clicking the buttons as appropriate. The button faces could be tailored per action so perhaps the copy would show a C, the move an M, email an E, maybe different fore/back colours, or a .png or .ico file could be used.
I think this could solve one of the frequent problems with how to carry out frequent actions in a productive way.
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