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Expand/Collapse Folder in the Search Pane

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 5:22 am
by peachfuzz
Just started using Everything, so I might have jumped the gun here and I apologize if this option is already available. However, I looked and I can't find it. So if it is available, let me know or, otherwise, please consider adding to your next release.

Basically I would like to be able to expand the folder to see what's inside instead of having to double click to open the ACTUAL FOLDER. I would personally like to see the folder within the search pane expand to list the contents underneath (eg. populate files).

Hope that all made sense. Thanks.

Re: Expand/Collapse Folder in the Search Pane

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:24 am
by void
I'm exploring an option to show a tree view pane on the left, selecting a folder in this view will show file/folder results in this folder (with subfolders optional)

I'll consider showing a +/- in the immediate result list to expand folders.
Thanks for the suggestion.